Tuesday, January 20, 2009

These trying economic times

Well, a friend of mine lost his job a few months ago.  He no longer is recieving unemployment.  He is moving from his apartment to a southern state to his mom's.  I have never seen a grown man so unhappy.  He is like a brother to me, since high school.   I could not find enough words to comfort him and ease his mind.  My mission was to remind him that "Trouble Don't Last Always" (words from a songwriter) .  
He liquidated his apartment giving his sister and I  first dibs on a newly purchased computer desk.  I was thankful but yet depressed.  He kept saying, "One man's misfortune in another person's gain."  We rode in the car and I preached as if I was ordained to do it from birth.  I took him to the bright side and encouraged him to dwell on such things as:  at least you have no responsibility besides yourself, you are ALIVE, you have someone with an open door.  He began to explain to me he understood all these things but his pride as a male.  I then reminded him of the trials and test that he has witnessed me endure. I explained how we "females" have pride too. I have two sons that are now my sole responsibility.    I know a lot of people are facing hardships with car notes, house payments, medical bills.  Keep the faith, in whatever you believe will see u through.   I am a witness that "Trouble Don't Last Always".  (Look it UP)  The parenthesis are for people like Courtney who probably doesn't believe there is such a song because they only listen to BRUCE SPRINGER oops Springsteen.

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