Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Webster's word of the day

I can't remember if I began talking about my son's dictionary obsession and I am to lazy to check.
Kaleb my 4th grader is now obsessed with the dictionary which is a good obsession. Call me lazy but I got tired of two things
1) reading his stories with misspelled words ( I have to add that he never gets more than one wrong on the spelling test since 1st grade)
2) being approached by a mad man asking me to spell something real quick (even banging on the door while I was sitting on the commode)

Friday after school he said there were several words that he found in the dictionary that were gross.
He briefly gave me a preview on last Thursday of the "gross" words.
He started off with the word "sexual intercourse"- briefly it said "when a man inserts his penis into a woman's vagina for procreation"
Well, I had to begin with the words that he didn't know in that definition such as vagina and procreation.
I assumed the kid knew what a vagina was but I I guess he had no need to know because he doesn't have one. My sister, Markita, my friend a.k.a (Kita & George's mom) and I all admitted we owned one of those. Which he thought we were disgusting. I try to keep it light. I mean I was not ready for this conversation but my parents were like "you know what to do and you know what not to do".
Luckily, Markita's parents gave her some books and we spent our middle school years looking up the words and familiarizing ourselves with the STD's we never wanted to get. You can catch me on any given day telling her to make sure she stays away from gonococci, we taught ourselves.
I hope the guy continues to come to me.
Back to the lesson..
Procreation I sent him to look the word up. He finished looking that up and then we began to converse. His friend told him he wouldn't be here if it wasn't for sexual intercourse. I confirmed this to be a true statement. He then hid under my bed and stated he was as grossed out. I explained that he didn't have to think about such words and who would want to imagine such things in 4th grade. I took this time to explain how no one should approach him and he shouldn't approach anyone else because this is some serious adult stuff. He then asked about puberty. He went back to our buddy the dictionary and they defined it as "sexual maturity" , The word sex then grossed him out again and I had to explain that it was not referring to the act. I also explained that a dictionary definition can somehow be a little different than how real life or myself would explain it. He then asked about the word gay, which the dictionary led to the word homosexual. I called in my life lines at this time. He was shocked that he knew someone who is "gay". I asked him if this made the person less than the caring, creative, fun person before he knew she was gay an he said NO but he was still knocked off guard. I explained how a lot of society is opposed to "gay" relationships and how the bible speaks against it as well. I explained it is not our job to judge people by "labels" but their character and service.
I was ready for my relief at this point an I realized I had no relief. He asked about the word rape, we utilized the dictionary definition and then I explained the whole NO means NO.
I am asking that parents with fast tailed children slow them down because they are moving to fast for me. Thank GOD Kaleb felt this was to much and is now scared to look in the dictionary.
I explained how he shouldn't be scared of "words" because that is all they are. I explained how ignorance is what you should fear the whole knowledge is power speech.

I was excited that my son trusts me and considering me a good source of information. I thanked him for this and told hope I will continue to be honest an explain things in the best way I know how. I suggested a book about adolescence an asked me to refrain so that will come later.

I did welcome a call from his godfather who said he would offer some relief for the next wave of questions.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - that's a night that will go down in your parenting record book.
