Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Color me Bad

Yesterday, my youngest son wanted to know why President Obama was dancing. I had to explain that he was at a party and would be working the next day. My oldest, Kaleb , wondered how a 4 year old knew anything about the President. I explained that he learned about the President at school and they even celebrated the inauguration at latchkey.

The real topic of this blog.
The children in latchkey ate popcorn and colored in a picture of the President.
Children are awesome because they are without prejudice at such a tender age.
I was amused as the discussion mounted on who had the best picture.
Rhiska said that you can imagine anything you want and her picture displayed a green face, red teeth, a purple suit, red hands and a ring. The boys were upset about the ring, the said "Boys don't wear rings". I explained that maybe it was because he is married. Kenenedy then decided she would too add a ring to Mr. Obama's purple hands. Devyn went with a multicolor approach. Devyn colored a green ad orange face and every color in the rainbow suit. Tyrone was upset because everyone did their picture wrong. Tyrone's President was dark brown with a charcoal grey suit.
Finally, Devyn decided that he would make the white house blue.

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