Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Kamille refuses to sleep. She is not crying but yelling and trying to communicate with us but we are clueless of the message. She is a party animal. I really wanted to interview her but somehow we can not communicate effectively. Kamille got her immunizations yesterday and she weighs 15 pounds. It was a piece of cake for her. She is almost 5 months old. I can't wait to the summer so she can experience her first breeze of fresh warm air. I love all the nieces and nephews. Erica and Eric turn 13 and 14 Feb 5th and Feb 7th but Millie is the newest addition and demands ALL the attention.
I am exhausted and glad I do not have an infant but I will consider taking over parenting Kamille once she sleeps nights and is potty trained. ( I always wanted a daughter).
We are now playing with a musical toy. She is pretty occupied. She was sleep for a while but she took a power nap and is ready to get down to business. I am going to sleep hopefully mom can imagine without me. Goodnite Millie Moo...

1 comment:

  1. What an adorable little girl. I want to pinch her cheeks! She's a party animal? Did she get that from her Auntie?
