Thursday, February 26, 2009



ABSURD!!! I feel that this lady is getting the publicity and attention she craves. I am outraged by her sob story. She decided to produce”8” more children she cannot support. She has the audacity to “beg” America for help. I have such strong sentiments because at her age she should be responsible for her actions.

I'm a S-I-N-G-L-E mom not by choice. When I decided have children it was based on a two-parent household. I have tons of ups and downs but you will not find me singing a sad song or even worse “begging” for help. My story is probably more heart wrenching. As a parent it is her responsibility to provide the healthiest and happiest environment possible. I understand as sole supporter mentally, financially, emotionally etc that it takes a lot. I am not in a position to take care of one more or eight more children.
OCTO needs to think of her children and not just herself.
Parenting is not just a financial commitment .

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I am sitting in the library waiting for Kaleb. It is my scheduled blogging time. I can't think of anything to blog about. My phone is dead. I thought I would charge my phone while waiting. I have looked everywhere and can not find that darn charger. I just realized I carried an extra bag to work and that is where I threw it. Did I remember to bring the bag home??? If you guys don't see me it is because my lack of cell phone to call for help. I am trapped at the Downtown Farmington Library or I somehow became trapped at the Barber SHop my immediate destination if I make it up the stairs......

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm on my way

THe title is for Janelle. I am on my way to recovery. My weight gain depresses me. I am so disappointed in myself for letting my hard work go down the drain. I have gained a portion of the weight I loss since the Fall. I refuse to be a cry baby about it but hitting the gym was impossible without child care. However, I have a FAMILY Y membership starting today. Working out was so much of a part of my survival. It was my chocolate after a stressful day. Lately, chocolate is my chocolate after a stressful day. I can decompress again, and have more energy and look how I want to. Many may promote working out at home. This is okay sometimes but I really need the change of scenery. I also looked at a professional quality elliptical USED and for months the prices are stuck at UNAFFORDABLE. Check me out in May.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Monkey Biz

Okay... I really don't know how to begin. Yesterday was just crazy from the top to the bottom. I ended my evening listening to horrible news stories involving animals. The second was about a dog injured by a dog toy. This story brought me to tears. The first was about Travis the Chimp. My heart goes out to the family of the victim of his rage. The story is very suspect. I just can't comprehend how the story unfolded. The reporters began by saying how Travis drank from the finest wine glasses and feasted on Filet Mignon. Do chimps normally eat meat? Did these things make him now more human and less animal? This story is tragic but I must admit that I found humor in parts of the story none that involved the woman who was injured. What was his motivation? The owner talked about how they even slept together sometimes. This is surely something to make you say hmm.....Was he acting out of jealously?
I have not finished researching the story. My lack of research is the result of my lack of Internet. She lost both her daughter and husband tragically and Travis was all the family she had. The tape of her 911 call was insane. The dispatcher was trained to be calm I would have went crazy myself. The guy pissed me off. He had the nerve to ask her to calm down just a little. How can one be calm in the midst of such insanity? Calm! Calm I know he probably could not believe what he was hearing. In my limited research I found an AP article that confirmed this was not his first incident of violence. HE bit a woman in 1996 and tried to pull her into a vehicle. His owner hit him with a shovel and stabbed hi trying to save her "friend". The hospital is not releasing information when she calls to check on her friend?? I cannot imagine the conflicted emotions Travis "owner" is feeling. She was upset because she couldn't be with Travis as he died. She said "he went to his room and died alone, they wouldn't even let me be with him". Several years ago I owned pets. I had normal pets an Alaskan malamute and a Siberian Husky both dogs. I miss them but think if they savagely attacked even my friend from Advanced Writing for Television I would not have the same feelings for them. Travis's owner was also upset that she could not obtain his remains so she could cremate him and bury him on her property. Was this a love triangle gone wrong???? Was it the Xanex? The owner's initial reports stated that she gave Travis his afternoon tea with Xanex five minutes before the uprising. Caffeine and Xanex? Did he actually get his Xanex? Was he upset because he didn't have his needed medication? Was he upset because he saw her trying to give him the medication and he didn't like the effects of it? We will never know. I do know that animals such as Chimpanzee should not be kept as pets. I feel so bad going to the zoo seeing them caged for our delights sometimes. I know I wouldn't want to be caged. Well, I wouldn't want to be on display. I mean if you’re for BDSM (I think that is the right word order) go for it. Okay I went off on a tangent for a second. I encourage you to read the story if you haven't all ready. I welcome your thoughts on exotic pets? Xanex and caffeine? or whatever. Wait I forgot something. When I read the police account of arriving on the sentence I sobered up and found less humor in the story. My prayers go out to the victim and her family. I pray that she recovers rapidly and is able to put this

All My Babies

I viewed the documentary “All My Babies” a Midwife’s own story. It was directed, produced and written by George C. Stoney.

It is the story of a midwife named, Mary Coley. She delivered over 1400 babies in a rural area in Georgia. We follow her and her advice for pregnant women. She takes on the preparation for a home birth and the actual delivery. Viewers also witness the pregnancy of a woman who had previous problematic births. She never received prenatal care. The midwife was very dedicated to her job and her patients.
I love the central character Miss Mary. She is an older southern woman. The documentary took me through childbirth as a viewer not the star of the show. I was actually present for my nephew’s birth but it was very hectic. The music playing in the documentary was very soothing. It was better than any cable birthing show.
This is a narrative it follows the life of Miss Mary and midwifery. It follows specific events. It is narrated by Miss Mary .

My afternoon 2/18/09

My plan for the day was to blog while waiting for Kaleb. Devyn fell asleep on the way to the library. I opted to stay in the car and use the library’s wireless network. I started reading blogs and even commented on one. I was about to comment on Janelle’s when a parking spot closer to the library opened up. Kaleb was inside practicing for the play Three Nanny Goats Gruff. I sat my laptop on the passenger seat and attempted to start the vehicle. Oops.. I left the lights on. The car refused to start. It was almost time for rehearsal to end. I called to arrange a jump ns prayed I could get one and still make it to Kaleb’s 5:30 appointment. Why does my phone die when I need it most? Everyone encourages me to purchase a car charger. Is anyone buying? Devyn and I went in to get Kaleb. The library staff helped out as much as possible. Rose, an adorable 7 year old who attends Gill who wears flowers in her hair suggested we wait for her dad. She said, “He always has jumper cables”. I lucked out and her Dad was parked right next to me. Rose began to tell me about the time her o and dad were fighting and he had t boost her car and I tried to switch the subject. Kids say the dandiest things. I am a parent of one of those kids. LOL. I didn’t not want her dad to hear her giving me the details of his personal life. I was saved from Rosie’s story when her dad told me to try to crank it. Vroom. Vroom it started and we made it to the appointment about 5 minutes late. I was glad I called ahead to let them know what was going on.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cousin Robbie

I am ashamed of myself. Today my mom called to tell me my cousin Robbie was out of his coma. Wow, I didn’t know Robbie was in a coma. When was the last time I talked to him? It has been way to long. Why didn’t I know he was in a coma? How do we lose track of time and space. The last time I talked to him was several years ago. HE always held a special place in my heart. His father tried everything to make him straight from prayer to mental institutions. This was a horrible journey for Robbie. During the beginning I was able to be a support for Robbie. He was so tormented on the inside. He ran away from Detroit, his father and judgment. He found himself in harm’s way trying to fit in. HE was ridiculed and physically beaten near death due to his preference. I tried t embrace him but I too was young and my mind was not as clear. My ex said things like “that faggott will not be near Kaleb & Devyn”. I wanted to do more for him but I didn’t fight that fight I called Robbie at the hospital. He was sleep. I don’t know what to tell him. The only thing I know is I LOVE him and I am ready to stand by his side. Don’t let their feelings become your problem.

%$#@ Chuck

My recent visit to Chuck E. Cheese was a nightmare. I tired unsuccessfully to shift my son’s attention to another party venue. My opinion of the establishment has deteriate over the years. When my oldest was young I studied while he played in the ball pit. New age parents and germ seekers delight in the pit’s removal. Germs are everywhere. What is the process of cleaning the darn play place at Mc Donald’s? I know germs are incubating in there. I have boycotted the Dearborn location since Kaleb’s first b-day party (he is will be ten this year). My favorite Chuck’s is in Canton. After moving to Farmington I began frequenting the Novi location. Sunday we arrived to a new reserved seating arrangement. All seats are reserved and you must purchase your food and be seated. This is Chuck E. Cheese not fine dining. I won’t even say how much money I spent in the place but I was appalled by the service. I called ahead and was told, “as long as food was purchased for each booth you could reserve space”. I had the chick that takes her job to seriously. She had me the chick that takes where and how she spends her hard earned money seriously. She did the eye roll and hand on her hip thing and I could not believe it. I told her she might as well spit in my face or even put her hand in my face. She actually turned her head the other way. I then explained how hopefully she planned to spend her days in Chuck’s because in the real world one cannot roll her neck, eyes and stick out her hand on her hip. I just felt like the fact I was a human was reason enough for respect but the fact I was spending my money was just as valid. I then talked to her boss. It is funny how the manager with an attitude doesn’t realize that the mom who know has an attitude can diplomatically speak with “her” boss. He gave her account of the story and I verified what she left off and how my attitude changed due to her body language and attitude. I was satisfied with the outcome after that but will not be back at Chuck’s on my own dime.
After that I went to play y favorite game with ONE of the hundreds of tokens I purchased. I ran into a psycho Dad playing a gun game with two guns in his hand. Yes, two guns not allowing another player. He was talking to the game, cursing and using the N word; I was appalled, disgraced and embarrassed. I asked him if it was really that serious he began to grumble at me. I began to wonder if this was really Chuck E. Cheese. I never agreed with beer being served at a place catering to kids. My friend Markita argues that a beer is what gets her through. I am worried about someone getting drunk I mean it is possible.
Next to the Skeet Ball game was a basketball game. Two members of somebody’s high school basketball team were hogging this game. The line was ridiculous and they continued to play. I was elated when a gentleman (A gorgeous gentleman nice build beautiful skin teeth my kind of guy) told him it was a line a children wanted to play too he shouldn’t hog it. Yippee (he was the highlight of my experience). HE then gave us his 60+ tickets and free game.

Finally, Novi police arrived on the scene. There was an altercation between two parents after two kids had a spat and the Dad hit the other kid over the head.

My oldest son said “Mom I think we should get outta here” the police are everywhere. I went on to explain how we were not guilty of any crime expect for spending too much of my money.

Words from the wise go somewhere else. I hope no children are reading this but F$#@ Chuck. I refuse to spend any money in the place. No more parties.

Monday, February 9, 2009


The lat 8 days have been insane. I have no time for a play by play. I missed out on a week of my life. This month begins and ends in birthdays for my close friends and family. Every year I marvel at the years since my oldest niece Erica was born. She was born February 5, 1995 her brother Eric born a year later February 7, 1996 and my twin nieces share Erica's birthday. My cousins are the 3,4 and 6th. My youngest turned 5 on the 8th of February. Let's get back to Erica because the birthdays don't ever stop. Lil Miss Erica Calhoun scarcely weighed at at an even 1 1b. She was months premature. She was born with her internal organs on the outside of her body. The doctor's had to perform a surgery that left a horrible scar across her belly. The summer of 2007 we went swimming and I marveled at how the scar disappears more and more each year. One day there will not be a trace outside of our recollection. The doctor's told my sister and her husband that there was no hope for Erica. My sister was feuding with my parents as usual but she called my dad. He gave her words of encouragement and told her that the doctor's did not hold the key to life and began praying and he made his way to the hospital. (My sister didn't share with anyone that she was pregnant especially since she was feuding with the parents.) My sister is mean and the stubbornest person sometimes. ( She is a Taurus) The funny thing is she love kids and they love her. We had issues when were kids but we are cool now. When she gets on my nerves I understand that it is just her personality and I take a break from her. You get it. I believe in Miracles. Many days you won't find me on my soapbox professing them to the world. If you ask I will tell you I have been fortunate to witness a few Miracles in my lifetime. Erica is one today at 14 she is lively and lovely. She loves animals and volunteers at the dog shelter. She is often teased by her younger siblings because she is not confrontational. I love my little Miracle (who is almost taller than me) .

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Kamille refuses to sleep. She is not crying but yelling and trying to communicate with us but we are clueless of the message. She is a party animal. I really wanted to interview her but somehow we can not communicate effectively. Kamille got her immunizations yesterday and she weighs 15 pounds. It was a piece of cake for her. She is almost 5 months old. I can't wait to the summer so she can experience her first breeze of fresh warm air. I love all the nieces and nephews. Erica and Eric turn 13 and 14 Feb 5th and Feb 7th but Millie is the newest addition and demands ALL the attention.
I am exhausted and glad I do not have an infant but I will consider taking over parenting Kamille once she sleeps nights and is potty trained. ( I always wanted a daughter).
We are now playing with a musical toy. She is pretty occupied. She was sleep for a while but she took a power nap and is ready to get down to business. I am going to sleep hopefully mom can imagine without me. Goodnite Millie Moo...