Wednesday, February 11, 2009

%$#@ Chuck

My recent visit to Chuck E. Cheese was a nightmare. I tired unsuccessfully to shift my son’s attention to another party venue. My opinion of the establishment has deteriate over the years. When my oldest was young I studied while he played in the ball pit. New age parents and germ seekers delight in the pit’s removal. Germs are everywhere. What is the process of cleaning the darn play place at Mc Donald’s? I know germs are incubating in there. I have boycotted the Dearborn location since Kaleb’s first b-day party (he is will be ten this year). My favorite Chuck’s is in Canton. After moving to Farmington I began frequenting the Novi location. Sunday we arrived to a new reserved seating arrangement. All seats are reserved and you must purchase your food and be seated. This is Chuck E. Cheese not fine dining. I won’t even say how much money I spent in the place but I was appalled by the service. I called ahead and was told, “as long as food was purchased for each booth you could reserve space”. I had the chick that takes her job to seriously. She had me the chick that takes where and how she spends her hard earned money seriously. She did the eye roll and hand on her hip thing and I could not believe it. I told her she might as well spit in my face or even put her hand in my face. She actually turned her head the other way. I then explained how hopefully she planned to spend her days in Chuck’s because in the real world one cannot roll her neck, eyes and stick out her hand on her hip. I just felt like the fact I was a human was reason enough for respect but the fact I was spending my money was just as valid. I then talked to her boss. It is funny how the manager with an attitude doesn’t realize that the mom who know has an attitude can diplomatically speak with “her” boss. He gave her account of the story and I verified what she left off and how my attitude changed due to her body language and attitude. I was satisfied with the outcome after that but will not be back at Chuck’s on my own dime.
After that I went to play y favorite game with ONE of the hundreds of tokens I purchased. I ran into a psycho Dad playing a gun game with two guns in his hand. Yes, two guns not allowing another player. He was talking to the game, cursing and using the N word; I was appalled, disgraced and embarrassed. I asked him if it was really that serious he began to grumble at me. I began to wonder if this was really Chuck E. Cheese. I never agreed with beer being served at a place catering to kids. My friend Markita argues that a beer is what gets her through. I am worried about someone getting drunk I mean it is possible.
Next to the Skeet Ball game was a basketball game. Two members of somebody’s high school basketball team were hogging this game. The line was ridiculous and they continued to play. I was elated when a gentleman (A gorgeous gentleman nice build beautiful skin teeth my kind of guy) told him it was a line a children wanted to play too he shouldn’t hog it. Yippee (he was the highlight of my experience). HE then gave us his 60+ tickets and free game.

Finally, Novi police arrived on the scene. There was an altercation between two parents after two kids had a spat and the Dad hit the other kid over the head.

My oldest son said “Mom I think we should get outta here” the police are everywhere. I went on to explain how we were not guilty of any crime expect for spending too much of my money.

Words from the wise go somewhere else. I hope no children are reading this but F$#@ Chuck. I refuse to spend any money in the place. No more parties.

1 comment:

  1. oh my god. wow and wow! you know how to throw a party!
    I can't believe all that happened in ONE day! poor Devyn. to have all this happen at his birthday AND then getting sick. poor guy!
