Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cousin Robbie

I am ashamed of myself. Today my mom called to tell me my cousin Robbie was out of his coma. Wow, I didn’t know Robbie was in a coma. When was the last time I talked to him? It has been way to long. Why didn’t I know he was in a coma? How do we lose track of time and space. The last time I talked to him was several years ago. HE always held a special place in my heart. His father tried everything to make him straight from prayer to mental institutions. This was a horrible journey for Robbie. During the beginning I was able to be a support for Robbie. He was so tormented on the inside. He ran away from Detroit, his father and judgment. He found himself in harm’s way trying to fit in. HE was ridiculed and physically beaten near death due to his preference. I tried t embrace him but I too was young and my mind was not as clear. My ex said things like “that faggott will not be near Kaleb & Devyn”. I wanted to do more for him but I didn’t fight that fight I called Robbie at the hospital. He was sleep. I don’t know what to tell him. The only thing I know is I LOVE him and I am ready to stand by his side. Don’t let their feelings become your problem.


  1. oh Keish, that's awful. I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. is he going to recover? you know where to find me if you need to talk =)

  2. I'm sorry, Keisha, this must be awful for you. Hang in there. You are in my thoughts!
