Monday, February 9, 2009


The lat 8 days have been insane. I have no time for a play by play. I missed out on a week of my life. This month begins and ends in birthdays for my close friends and family. Every year I marvel at the years since my oldest niece Erica was born. She was born February 5, 1995 her brother Eric born a year later February 7, 1996 and my twin nieces share Erica's birthday. My cousins are the 3,4 and 6th. My youngest turned 5 on the 8th of February. Let's get back to Erica because the birthdays don't ever stop. Lil Miss Erica Calhoun scarcely weighed at at an even 1 1b. She was months premature. She was born with her internal organs on the outside of her body. The doctor's had to perform a surgery that left a horrible scar across her belly. The summer of 2007 we went swimming and I marveled at how the scar disappears more and more each year. One day there will not be a trace outside of our recollection. The doctor's told my sister and her husband that there was no hope for Erica. My sister was feuding with my parents as usual but she called my dad. He gave her words of encouragement and told her that the doctor's did not hold the key to life and began praying and he made his way to the hospital. (My sister didn't share with anyone that she was pregnant especially since she was feuding with the parents.) My sister is mean and the stubbornest person sometimes. ( She is a Taurus) The funny thing is she love kids and they love her. We had issues when were kids but we are cool now. When she gets on my nerves I understand that it is just her personality and I take a break from her. You get it. I believe in Miracles. Many days you won't find me on my soapbox professing them to the world. If you ask I will tell you I have been fortunate to witness a few Miracles in my lifetime. Erica is one today at 14 she is lively and lovely. She loves animals and volunteers at the dog shelter. She is often teased by her younger siblings because she is not confrontational. I love my little Miracle (who is almost taller than me) .

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