Thursday, February 19, 2009

All My Babies

I viewed the documentary “All My Babies” a Midwife’s own story. It was directed, produced and written by George C. Stoney.

It is the story of a midwife named, Mary Coley. She delivered over 1400 babies in a rural area in Georgia. We follow her and her advice for pregnant women. She takes on the preparation for a home birth and the actual delivery. Viewers also witness the pregnancy of a woman who had previous problematic births. She never received prenatal care. The midwife was very dedicated to her job and her patients.
I love the central character Miss Mary. She is an older southern woman. The documentary took me through childbirth as a viewer not the star of the show. I was actually present for my nephew’s birth but it was very hectic. The music playing in the documentary was very soothing. It was better than any cable birthing show.
This is a narrative it follows the life of Miss Mary and midwifery. It follows specific events. It is narrated by Miss Mary .

1 comment:

  1. That sounds semi-cool but pregnancy still freaks me out. I think I'll need to get over that eventually--maybe if I watch this, it will help!
