Thursday, February 19, 2009

Monkey Biz

Okay... I really don't know how to begin. Yesterday was just crazy from the top to the bottom. I ended my evening listening to horrible news stories involving animals. The second was about a dog injured by a dog toy. This story brought me to tears. The first was about Travis the Chimp. My heart goes out to the family of the victim of his rage. The story is very suspect. I just can't comprehend how the story unfolded. The reporters began by saying how Travis drank from the finest wine glasses and feasted on Filet Mignon. Do chimps normally eat meat? Did these things make him now more human and less animal? This story is tragic but I must admit that I found humor in parts of the story none that involved the woman who was injured. What was his motivation? The owner talked about how they even slept together sometimes. This is surely something to make you say hmm.....Was he acting out of jealously?
I have not finished researching the story. My lack of research is the result of my lack of Internet. She lost both her daughter and husband tragically and Travis was all the family she had. The tape of her 911 call was insane. The dispatcher was trained to be calm I would have went crazy myself. The guy pissed me off. He had the nerve to ask her to calm down just a little. How can one be calm in the midst of such insanity? Calm! Calm I know he probably could not believe what he was hearing. In my limited research I found an AP article that confirmed this was not his first incident of violence. HE bit a woman in 1996 and tried to pull her into a vehicle. His owner hit him with a shovel and stabbed hi trying to save her "friend". The hospital is not releasing information when she calls to check on her friend?? I cannot imagine the conflicted emotions Travis "owner" is feeling. She was upset because she couldn't be with Travis as he died. She said "he went to his room and died alone, they wouldn't even let me be with him". Several years ago I owned pets. I had normal pets an Alaskan malamute and a Siberian Husky both dogs. I miss them but think if they savagely attacked even my friend from Advanced Writing for Television I would not have the same feelings for them. Travis's owner was also upset that she could not obtain his remains so she could cremate him and bury him on her property. Was this a love triangle gone wrong???? Was it the Xanex? The owner's initial reports stated that she gave Travis his afternoon tea with Xanex five minutes before the uprising. Caffeine and Xanex? Did he actually get his Xanex? Was he upset because he didn't have his needed medication? Was he upset because he saw her trying to give him the medication and he didn't like the effects of it? We will never know. I do know that animals such as Chimpanzee should not be kept as pets. I feel so bad going to the zoo seeing them caged for our delights sometimes. I know I wouldn't want to be caged. Well, I wouldn't want to be on display. I mean if you’re for BDSM (I think that is the right word order) go for it. Okay I went off on a tangent for a second. I encourage you to read the story if you haven't all ready. I welcome your thoughts on exotic pets? Xanex and caffeine? or whatever. Wait I forgot something. When I read the police account of arriving on the sentence I sobered up and found less humor in the story. My prayers go out to the victim and her family. I pray that she recovers rapidly and is able to put this

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