Thursday, February 19, 2009

My afternoon 2/18/09

My plan for the day was to blog while waiting for Kaleb. Devyn fell asleep on the way to the library. I opted to stay in the car and use the library’s wireless network. I started reading blogs and even commented on one. I was about to comment on Janelle’s when a parking spot closer to the library opened up. Kaleb was inside practicing for the play Three Nanny Goats Gruff. I sat my laptop on the passenger seat and attempted to start the vehicle. Oops.. I left the lights on. The car refused to start. It was almost time for rehearsal to end. I called to arrange a jump ns prayed I could get one and still make it to Kaleb’s 5:30 appointment. Why does my phone die when I need it most? Everyone encourages me to purchase a car charger. Is anyone buying? Devyn and I went in to get Kaleb. The library staff helped out as much as possible. Rose, an adorable 7 year old who attends Gill who wears flowers in her hair suggested we wait for her dad. She said, “He always has jumper cables”. I lucked out and her Dad was parked right next to me. Rose began to tell me about the time her o and dad were fighting and he had t boost her car and I tried to switch the subject. Kids say the dandiest things. I am a parent of one of those kids. LOL. I didn’t not want her dad to hear her giving me the details of his personal life. I was saved from Rosie’s story when her dad told me to try to crank it. Vroom. Vroom it started and we made it to the appointment about 5 minutes late. I was glad I called ahead to let them know what was going on.


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