Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm on my way

THe title is for Janelle. I am on my way to recovery. My weight gain depresses me. I am so disappointed in myself for letting my hard work go down the drain. I have gained a portion of the weight I loss since the Fall. I refuse to be a cry baby about it but hitting the gym was impossible without child care. However, I have a FAMILY Y membership starting today. Working out was so much of a part of my survival. It was my chocolate after a stressful day. Lately, chocolate is my chocolate after a stressful day. I can decompress again, and have more energy and look how I want to. Many may promote working out at home. This is okay sometimes but I really need the change of scenery. I also looked at a professional quality elliptical USED and for months the prices are stuck at UNAFFORDABLE. Check me out in May.


  1. I recently started working out and it is definitely a great feeling.
    You can do it! I'm rooting for you :)

  2. Nice title! Haha I still think my favorite was Monkey Biz.

    And kudos for working out. My workout right now consists of taking the elevator and lifting the blowdryer.
