Monday, March 30, 2009


Yesterday I made a plan. I fixed lasagna with the intentions to warm it up today for Kaleb and Devyn.
I often make just enough when I cook. I also have been sticking to eating dinner by 6p.m.
At about 6:30 p.m. Kaleb said "Mom I think you forgot to cook us dinner". I though this was hilarious I began to warm up dinner. Devyn then said "Oh, no mom you cooked that last night". I had to expalin how they were going to ear it again. In the future I wil put a day in between my leftovers.

Breach of Confidentiality

I have been on quite a roller coaster ride since last Wednesday.
I found myself at the doctor's office Friday due to an out of control migraine.

When I left I realized that I need to find a new doctor. During my visit the medical assistant came in twice. I refused to discuss anything while she was in the room.
She entered one more time when I was on my way out and asked the doctor very loudly "Did you just write Tasha Smith a prescription for the morning after pill?" (Note I just added a name this is not what was actually said)

I was so upset about the patient's privacy. I told the young lady that this was unacceptable and very unprofessional. She just looked dumbfounded and hocked that I even commented. Man may argue that it is not my business but it could have been my medical information or one of my friends or family members.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I need a lifeline

My body is truly beginning to shut down. There is not enough time in the day to accomplish all the feats I have before me. I m starting to get ill and I believe it is a result of my mental stress. I have had the same headache for days. There is no time for sleep. I ecided to go to sleep the other night after unsuccessfully working on homework for hours about 3 a.m. and I overslept. I am no spring chicken and all my friends say that it is my sleep deficency catching up. Is the semester over yet? No offense to any professors reading this blog, "wink" , "wink" but I am burned out.

My viewing pleasures

What am I watching?
I often ask myself this question. I watch a lot of PBS. One of my shoes of choice is the Super Why! And the Super Readers. It is a show where there I something wrong with a story and the change it with the help of us viewers. Kaleb and I find a lot of comedy in it. Devyn loves it especially identifying letters that are in his name.
The Simpson’s is one of my all time favorite shows. I don’t watch it faithfully but I realized that I watch it a few times a week and if I am not always in contact with the picture I am listening. Homer is considered an imbecile but I think it is so cool all of the things he has done. I thought it was so sweet on yesterday’s episode that Homer paid for Marge’s college education. HE is goofy as can be but he loves Marge. I didn’t really care for the Simpson’s movie. When I was younger I identified with Lisa a lot more and her saxophone playing was so cool to me. I played for a few years too.
Malcolm in the Middle is another show that I watch. The mother on the show cracks me up. I think sometimes I just like to see a little dysfunction because there is some in real life anyway.
House is also a show I watch when can. I think he is a great actor and I like how the show explains everything to you. It makes me feel like I could get a few questions right in some kind of medical or science course. House pushed the envelope. It is a show that I also plan on committing an entire season. The last show was very interesting and I keep forgetting to follow up on the condition they discovered to be the culprit of a father and daughter duos illness which was the “inability to be happy” supposedly founding Middle Easter people specifically.
Against my will, I sometimes watch Ni Hao, Ka-Lan. (Ni Hao means Hello) It is a show about a Chinese girl. She is the Chinese version of Dora. There is a Koala bear character that is crazy to me. He loves Panda bears and he even owns two pair of the same “panda” house shoes. I think the bear on the show should have been a Kola since they are native to that area. I have an idea for a show that would compete with this one and Dora. I just want talk about it via the Internet.

Self Expression

Self Expression
I often think about how often I get things and start before reading the user’s manual. These instructions are collecting in a box in y kitchen closet for future use. My sons somehow didn’t come with a manual. There are tons of parenting books, websites, forums, conferences but not one single blueprint for each and every child. Individuality is a very important and sometimes I wonder how much self-expression to give. Many of my friends argue that children should not have choices. Choices sometimes overwhelm me at the drive-thru window but I think they should have a few choices. ☺
My youngest son Devyn is currently wearing a Mohawk. I think it’s cute. HE said he wanted his hair like sonic and was the closest we could come up with due to his length of hair. Recently, I was told that it was obvious that “a father was not in the home because no father what tolerate such things”. I found this to be absurd because every person does not share the same views. My oldest son, Kaleb wears braids per his request. He had braids then asked for a haircut and that is what we did, he then decided he wanted braids again and does not want a haircut.
Today was picture day and I wanted him to wear a suit. The suit involved a pink dress shirt and pink and grey tie. He protested that pink shirts were for girls and he actually had a fit. His aunt donate him the shirt and tie, I picked up the pants and jacket for a whooping $8 plus tax in the off-season at target last summer. We opted for a sweater vest, some slacks and a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He will definitely take a picture in the suit because it was so cute. I’m thinking of hitting up a cheap picture special at Wal=Mart. I just didn’t feel like forcing him since he was self -conscious of it and at his age boys and girls define there world by primary colors for boys and PINK for girls. Kaleb’s laughing didn’t help either however Kaleb said his laughter was because Devyn resembled a mini grown-up and he looked really COOL. How much is too much self-expression?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

American House

Kaleb performed a play for the senior at the American House Saturday. He was so excited prior to our arrival. When we pulled in the lot he said he didn't think he was ready. He was kind of creeped out by the seniors. I reassured him that everything would be OK.

I could tell he was a little nervous but he was the best goat I have ever seen gnawing on construction paper grass. I too was a little startled by a cough that sounded like a cat choking on a bone followed by by a hairball and then amplified by 100. There was one grouchy old guy who didn't want an of the seniors to watch the play.

The play still was a success and the kids feasted on cookies and juice provided by the American House. Kaleb said he was very nervous performing there.
I wonder if he associates old people with death?

It's Over

It's 12 a.m. and I can not let go of the break. I had big plans and actually accomplished some of them. I began fasting as well during the break. I planned on going until this Thursday however I ran in to some complications. Friday night I didn't sleep well and woke up to pains in my belly. My entire body was going through a thing. Saturday I stopped by the natural Food Patch and picked up some liquid calcium. My body has been deficeint in Vitamin D and calcium lately and should have stored up on my vitamins and minerals prior to beginning this fast.. This morning I slept later than usual and I was EXHAUSTED. I kept feeling a weird tingling sensation in my arms and it somehow moved down to my legs. I blacked out for about 10seconds and found myself face down on the living room floor and Kaleb screaming my name. This was the most pitiful thing in the world. Can I do anything right? I told him I was okay and about 2 minutes later Markita was at my door. I was on the phone with her when the floor and my face collided. I promised that I would end my fast. I just feel so horrible for scaring my son in such a way. He didn't wan to leave for his Sunday swiming excursion in fear that I might "die" here by myself.


Devyn attended his first sleepover. He has spent the night out but never technically went to a sleepover. I must say that Devyn is quite the socialite.

He was so excited and said to me several times"Mom I have never went to a sleepover". He didn't want to stop home to pick up his things he just wanted to go straight to the sleepover. I convinced him to eat dinner while I packed his bag. We arrived at my sister's and there was one unfamiliar adult and several other children he didn't know. He changed his mind and didn't even want to come in. I told him he could go back home but I would just visit for a little while . He stayed huddled by the door. My sister tried to find out what was wrong and he persisted he just waned to go home.

All of the guest ages 5 and under asked him "Why don't you wan to play with us?" He irritatedly said " Ok, Ok I'll stay, Mom
take my coat". In 5 minutes he was leading a dance line and helping make homemade pizza . The next afternoon he was not ready to come home. I promised he could host a sleepover the following weekend. He told me when he got home that he was so glad he went and he had so much fun at his first sleepover.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


The break is not arriving fast enough. I have such big plans.
None of them involve leaving the state of MI or traveling further than 5 miles from my home.

I plan to start my fast Sunday. I am so excited about simple things like washing walls, studying, working on my resume, volunteering at both of my children's schools and volunteering at my former elementary school. I also plan on optimizing my Y membership.

I would like to also get together with one of my friends who is in Engineering at LTU. She has a Co-Op that is a real job, so she only take one class. We never see each other.
I also plan on going to the movies ALL BY MYSELF. I have a gift card that i have not used. Wait. I not sure if I can go to the movie theatre without eating popcorn. I think I will wait until after the break for that one.

If you have any movies you think I might enjoy while sorting through clothes to donate and doing laundry please give me a list of suggestions.

Pick up and Drop off Patterns

Readers of this blog may or may not have experience with the above.

Pick up and drop off patterns are the way children are dropped off to school or picked up in the afternoon. I hate them.

My oldest son’s school has one and the cars pull up and kids are escorted in and out of the car by staff or parent volunteers.
I can’t stand the parents who pull up and park and get their kid out the car. The drop off is for just that.

They send tons of notes home explaining this maze however parents still disobey the rules.
I once drove over the yellow lines prior to having any knowledge they were off limits and my door was snatched open by the parent. I could not hear her because I was to busy trying to catch my laptop from falling out the door. Hey once I know the rules I follow them.

Parents also sit in their cars until the child has walked in the building. Just escort them in please.
Where did these things come from?
I think they cause more headache then help sometimes. What happened to the old way?
New does not always mean better. Did you survive elementary school without them? I am open for comments on this one for research purposes.


I am past tired of reading to much information on a Facebook profile page.

You are free to write what you want in notes etc. but when I first enter your page please spare me.

I admit sometimes I have lengthy status messages.
They might say something like “KT is starving can someone fix me breakfast.”

My sister and I laugh about Status messages daily.

I can't stand names either, one’s that say things like Samantha “in love with a married man who hates his wife but is their for the kids” Jones or Miss “Biggest Baddest Sweetest Chick” Smith.

The one that brought on a bronchial spasm was a status message that read
“ I was pregnant and I just got back from having an abortion he is right with me by my side”.

What do you think?