Sunday, March 15, 2009

American House

Kaleb performed a play for the senior at the American House Saturday. He was so excited prior to our arrival. When we pulled in the lot he said he didn't think he was ready. He was kind of creeped out by the seniors. I reassured him that everything would be OK.

I could tell he was a little nervous but he was the best goat I have ever seen gnawing on construction paper grass. I too was a little startled by a cough that sounded like a cat choking on a bone followed by by a hairball and then amplified by 100. There was one grouchy old guy who didn't want an of the seniors to watch the play.

The play still was a success and the kids feasted on cookies and juice provided by the American House. Kaleb said he was very nervous performing there.
I wonder if he associates old people with death?


  1. I think of a quote from Michael Scott of "The Office" . . .

    "I hate hospitals. In my mind, they are associated with death."

  2. Good for Kaleb! tell him I said "Way to go K!"
