Thursday, March 26, 2009

I need a lifeline

My body is truly beginning to shut down. There is not enough time in the day to accomplish all the feats I have before me. I m starting to get ill and I believe it is a result of my mental stress. I have had the same headache for days. There is no time for sleep. I ecided to go to sleep the other night after unsuccessfully working on homework for hours about 3 a.m. and I overslept. I am no spring chicken and all my friends say that it is my sleep deficency catching up. Is the semester over yet? No offense to any professors reading this blog, "wink" , "wink" but I am burned out.


  1. Keisha, let me know if/how I can help!

  2. you are amazing with all you do. I don't know how you are able to work, go to school, raise the boys to be well behaved and normal and still live your life. you are such a hard worker. you are also an awesome and devoted mom. on top of all that you are an amazing, loyal and loving friend.
    you're an inspiration to me. I am lucky to have you as one of my best friends. love you =]

  3. p.s. you know if you need help with anything, I'm there for you 100%

  4. awe...... YOu guys are wonderful. Courtney you have done enough for a lifeline. The degree in your hand will be enough for me. You too are a great friend and never complain about your trials on this journey to graduation.
