Thursday, March 26, 2009

Self Expression

Self Expression
I often think about how often I get things and start before reading the user’s manual. These instructions are collecting in a box in y kitchen closet for future use. My sons somehow didn’t come with a manual. There are tons of parenting books, websites, forums, conferences but not one single blueprint for each and every child. Individuality is a very important and sometimes I wonder how much self-expression to give. Many of my friends argue that children should not have choices. Choices sometimes overwhelm me at the drive-thru window but I think they should have a few choices. ☺
My youngest son Devyn is currently wearing a Mohawk. I think it’s cute. HE said he wanted his hair like sonic and was the closest we could come up with due to his length of hair. Recently, I was told that it was obvious that “a father was not in the home because no father what tolerate such things”. I found this to be absurd because every person does not share the same views. My oldest son, Kaleb wears braids per his request. He had braids then asked for a haircut and that is what we did, he then decided he wanted braids again and does not want a haircut.
Today was picture day and I wanted him to wear a suit. The suit involved a pink dress shirt and pink and grey tie. He protested that pink shirts were for girls and he actually had a fit. His aunt donate him the shirt and tie, I picked up the pants and jacket for a whooping $8 plus tax in the off-season at target last summer. We opted for a sweater vest, some slacks and a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He will definitely take a picture in the suit because it was so cute. I’m thinking of hitting up a cheap picture special at Wal=Mart. I just didn’t feel like forcing him since he was self -conscious of it and at his age boys and girls define there world by primary colors for boys and PINK for girls. Kaleb’s laughing didn’t help either however Kaleb said his laughter was because Devyn resembled a mini grown-up and he looked really COOL. How much is too much self-expression?

1 comment:

  1. I'll take pictures of the boys for you. I could save you the sitting fee and the cost of prints. Heather saved a lot of money when I took pictures of the kids. I burned her a disc of all the shots, she went to Walgreens for prints.

    if you're interested let me know
