Thursday, March 5, 2009


The break is not arriving fast enough. I have such big plans.
None of them involve leaving the state of MI or traveling further than 5 miles from my home.

I plan to start my fast Sunday. I am so excited about simple things like washing walls, studying, working on my resume, volunteering at both of my children's schools and volunteering at my former elementary school. I also plan on optimizing my Y membership.

I would like to also get together with one of my friends who is in Engineering at LTU. She has a Co-Op that is a real job, so she only take one class. We never see each other.
I also plan on going to the movies ALL BY MYSELF. I have a gift card that i have not used. Wait. I not sure if I can go to the movie theatre without eating popcorn. I think I will wait until after the break for that one.

If you have any movies you think I might enjoy while sorting through clothes to donate and doing laundry please give me a list of suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a big fan of High School Musical 3.

    And if you are a dork like me, the 6-hr A&E Pride and Prejudice miniseries is ideal.
