Sunday, March 15, 2009


Devyn attended his first sleepover. He has spent the night out but never technically went to a sleepover. I must say that Devyn is quite the socialite.

He was so excited and said to me several times"Mom I have never went to a sleepover". He didn't want to stop home to pick up his things he just wanted to go straight to the sleepover. I convinced him to eat dinner while I packed his bag. We arrived at my sister's and there was one unfamiliar adult and several other children he didn't know. He changed his mind and didn't even want to come in. I told him he could go back home but I would just visit for a little while . He stayed huddled by the door. My sister tried to find out what was wrong and he persisted he just waned to go home.

All of the guest ages 5 and under asked him "Why don't you wan to play with us?" He irritatedly said " Ok, Ok I'll stay, Mom
take my coat". In 5 minutes he was leading a dance line and helping make homemade pizza . The next afternoon he was not ready to come home. I promised he could host a sleepover the following weekend. He told me when he got home that he was so glad he went and he had so much fun at his first sleepover.

1 comment:

  1. Shoot, the first time my best friends spent the night over she called her mom at 3:30 am to come get her.

    We were 6.

    Devyn is a warrior.
