Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's Over

It's 12 a.m. and I can not let go of the break. I had big plans and actually accomplished some of them. I began fasting as well during the break. I planned on going until this Thursday however I ran in to some complications. Friday night I didn't sleep well and woke up to pains in my belly. My entire body was going through a thing. Saturday I stopped by the natural Food Patch and picked up some liquid calcium. My body has been deficeint in Vitamin D and calcium lately and should have stored up on my vitamins and minerals prior to beginning this fast.. This morning I slept later than usual and I was EXHAUSTED. I kept feeling a weird tingling sensation in my arms and it somehow moved down to my legs. I blacked out for about 10seconds and found myself face down on the living room floor and Kaleb screaming my name. This was the most pitiful thing in the world. Can I do anything right? I told him I was okay and about 2 minutes later Markita was at my door. I was on the phone with her when the floor and my face collided. I promised that I would end my fast. I just feel so horrible for scaring my son in such a way. He didn't wan to leave for his Sunday swiming excursion in fear that I might "die" here by myself.

1 comment:

  1. you know what has Vitamin D in it? ice cream! I hear you and ice cream go way back!!

    seriously,take care of yourself. don't push the fast if your body isn't ready =]
