Thursday, April 30, 2009


I have served as a bridesmaid and maid of honor on a few occasions. Each experience has a load of stories behind it it. I enjoyed each and everyone one of them. Lately my admiration for the traditional wedding continues to fade at a rapid pace. The list of what "they" say you should do. Who are "they"? Are "they" paying for weddings these days. I am so done with brides saying I want to do it like this or heck not even thinking about what she and her groom wants but what "they" said. Keisha is saying I am doing what I want to do. Don't get me wrong I love the fairy tale princess bride thing and I have seen done smoothly. I just am so past it at my ripe old age. LOVE is enough for me. My mate, me , chillins (children LOL) , somewhere romantic peaceful a committment. I just cant take to much stress and no focus on the meaning of marriage.
Dream on princess brides.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I have suffered very few addictions in my life.   Years ago I was addicted to chocolate I seriously craved it.  I would open  chocolate icing and eat it.  I was not glutenous and did not devour the container but this fact only adds to my argument.  My satisfaction would be reached almost at the smell of the chocolate but I needed only about one or two spoons.  Mother would be livid.  I soon grew out of that.  Later addictions included shoes, sales racks in all departments of the store including the men's section without a man to shop for etc..   The last two days I have become addicted to both quizzes on Facebook and the game on Sorority life.  I need help.


I spend my days marveling about things I am definitely going to blog about.  I actually write random notes on random things.  Like a napkin while driving down the rode.  I even purchased a small notebook for my purse.  The purse changed and the notebook stayed, no pertinent info in the purse or notebook.   It saddens me thinking of all the ideas that never made it to the surface.  My tears gather at the corners of my eyes because class is over and no one will be forced to "follow me".   Hopefully, the summer will be filled with fun, relaxation, and "adult content".   

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Can someone please tell me how to change the time on this thing. I am reading my recently posted blogs and the time is not correct. I never noticed this until Andrea mentioned something aobut me posting during class time last week. I actually was very excited to finish posting at work. I now see the time is not accurate. Help, Please and thanks.


My son Kaleb does not want a haircut. Kaleb will tell anyone who will listen him especially when he is upset about getting his hair washed or braided. He know wants to wear it in an afro but does not want it cut. He argues , "Mom you just don't want me to go to school with an afro".
This is far from the truth because I once wore an afro. I went so far as to lead a protest in support of his hair by wearing my fro to a meeting at his old school. My problem is his fear of the haircut. I want it trimmed and lined up. After we finished at the braider's he said "Karen next time I am going to the barbershop, I am going to let them cut only a little bit. You can braid it again this summer after I see how I like it." I was astounded this is the child who hates CHANGE . I feel I want to go to a a beauty salon opposed to Devyn's barber. My favorite Target associate has hair like Kaleb's I love the curl pattern. He told me his is actually cut in layers to keep his curl and he uses a leave in conditioner. I got his stylist's card. I can't wait. I am wondering if this kid is really ready to go through with this.

Sleepless in the HIlls.

I am battling insomnia once again. It could be considered a good thing if I could get something accomplished. I am up but my brain does not want to retain information therefore my insomnia is unnerving.
I have spent a lot of time researching places I would like to settle and schools public and private student teacher ratio.
My nights have also landed me a new job as a job scout. I spend my nights forwarding jobs to my laid off friends and associates. The horrible thing is I have cheated all week on my not eating after 6p.m. I am not really fretting over this. I indulged in an Edy's strawberry fruit bar at about 1:00 am the night I stayed up to 3:00 a.m. Last night I went to bed early at about 12:45 a.m. but that was after reading a short story my friend is working on. It was to adult for me and somehow going to sleep help get the images out of my head. I considered posting it so I could finally have some adult content.

Monday, April 20, 2009

It's Raining

I really wish I were at home asleep.
The rain seems to suck out all of my energy sometimes.
Today is one of those days.
Rain actually seems to make me think. Thinking is ususally a good thing.
I am thinking of how I forgot to put a napkin in Devyn's lunchbox.
I am thinking of Jenika's Bridal shower invitations. I forgot to put who the darn shower is for. How do I correct this without buying new invitations? They cost to much.
I am thinking about warming my soup right now because my tummy is growling.
I am thinking if I should take that summer class since m mind is fried already.
I am hoping there is absolutely nothing for me to do at work so I can work on my resume. I am thinking that the worms were gross as I walked in to the building. I am thinking the bottom of my jeans are wet because they are to long even with heels on.
What are you thinking?

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Yes we have arrived back at this topic. I have found myself chit chatting on facebook with a faceless friend. Which I have no time to do at all. Last night we volleyed back and forth on a collaboration that we have yet title but it was the coolest thing. I am certain I could not do it verbally but we kind of wrote a poem together and then started another. Unfortunately for you voyeurs their was no adult content. the subject matter was one of inspiration. I felt exuberant afterwards. Now I am wishing I gave in to my need for coffee. Another thing I have given up...
Hopefully it will help my Hawaiin vacation. oops I fell into character. (wink)
Publish Post


This one is for you. Last week I had a ball at the Anchor. I just can't stop talking about my $3.50 Amaretto Sour. I plan on going back there some warm summer evening. I forgot I was suppose to refrain fro liquor until June 21, 2009. I don't remember agreeing to this completely I just kind of said "OK". I have been laying off the spirits and my tip jar at home is suffering. Now on to TUNA. I ordered tuna too at the Anchor. Jennie and I thought we would convince them to give us the Tuna Melt we wanted. They didn't. I made up for this on Saturday at the Aut' Bar with "Blair and the Boyfriends". I had the best tuna melt ever. The bread was so flavorful. Jennie I must say our tuna was definitely cat food compared to this. I truly deserved it after being lost in Ann Arbor, getting into an argument with my sister (well hell I just looked on while she fussed9, and a dead car battery (I left the trunk open overnight).


I do not wan to see another popcorn kernel this year. Last week I went to see DragonBalls the movie and feasted on movie popcorn the first time this year. I was so excited. I didn't think about Kaleb's experiment on microwave popcorn. We popped 5 bags of popcorn one after another. I probably tasted the first three bags and I am convinced now that Orvilee Redenbacher is the best popcorn if you have to choose. It also is the 2nd best for your buck. $2.99 per box with onl 32 unpopped kernels. I thought I cleaned up the popcorn but somehow this mornign I kept running in to it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Oops I did it again.

I vowed to never got to Chuck E Cheese again.   Thursday University Prep Academy had a Chuck E. Cheese fundraiser night.   I was forced to attend.  The experience was 100 times better than Devyn's birthday fiasco.  The night went pretty smooth until I began playing Ski-ball.   
A cute little blond  attempted to steal  my tickets.  Kids might think grown-ups have no need for tickets.  My kids are the first to get my tickets they send me to play Ski-ball and expect me to hit the jackpot.   I was pretty calm and asking for my tickets back. I said ,"Oh, I'm sorry I think those are mine."  She sweetly responded "Oh, I didn't know you needed them, I'm Sorry".   The situation was resolved peacefully and calmly.  Kaleb, Kita, George and Devyn and I walked out with a ton of toys that would break before nightfall.  


I know you have been sitting on the edges of your seats waiting for the adult content.   I have been waiting for the appropriate time to share with you my intimate thoughts and ideas .  
Dragon ball the movie comes out tomorrow.   My son would like to see it but is questioning the rating.   Recently one of my godchildren  were reading a graphic novel and I discovered inappropriate material.   I banned them for several years.  Kaleb is convinced the movie will have the same content.   I keep telling him I am pretty sure the rating guys and gals know their stuff.  We will attend the movie together.    The current rating is PG.   Kaleb is concerned the rating might be R or even XXX.  My brother then asked him what XXX is.  Kaleb responded by saying " I don't know but if R is Adult Content then I guess that in XXX movies all they do it curse and act inappropriately."