Thursday, April 30, 2009


I have served as a bridesmaid and maid of honor on a few occasions. Each experience has a load of stories behind it it. I enjoyed each and everyone one of them. Lately my admiration for the traditional wedding continues to fade at a rapid pace. The list of what "they" say you should do. Who are "they"? Are "they" paying for weddings these days. I am so done with brides saying I want to do it like this or heck not even thinking about what she and her groom wants but what "they" said. Keisha is saying I am doing what I want to do. Don't get me wrong I love the fairy tale princess bride thing and I have seen done smoothly. I just am so past it at my ripe old age. LOVE is enough for me. My mate, me , chillins (children LOL) , somewhere romantic peaceful a committment. I just cant take to much stress and no focus on the meaning of marriage.
Dream on princess brides.


  1. Amen on that one, Missy.

  2. well my wedding is going to be Harry Potter themed, and to me, that IS my fairy tale princess wedding.

