Monday, April 20, 2009

It's Raining

I really wish I were at home asleep.
The rain seems to suck out all of my energy sometimes.
Today is one of those days.
Rain actually seems to make me think. Thinking is ususally a good thing.
I am thinking of how I forgot to put a napkin in Devyn's lunchbox.
I am thinking of Jenika's Bridal shower invitations. I forgot to put who the darn shower is for. How do I correct this without buying new invitations? They cost to much.
I am thinking about warming my soup right now because my tummy is growling.
I am thinking if I should take that summer class since m mind is fried already.
I am hoping there is absolutely nothing for me to do at work so I can work on my resume. I am thinking that the worms were gross as I walked in to the building. I am thinking the bottom of my jeans are wet because they are to long even with heels on.
What are you thinking?

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