Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I spend my days marveling about things I am definitely going to blog about.  I actually write random notes on random things.  Like a napkin while driving down the rode.  I even purchased a small notebook for my purse.  The purse changed and the notebook stayed, no pertinent info in the purse or notebook.   It saddens me thinking of all the ideas that never made it to the surface.  My tears gather at the corners of my eyes because class is over and no one will be forced to "follow me".   Hopefully, the summer will be filled with fun, relaxation, and "adult content".   


  1. keep blogging and I'll keep reading =] I need to stay up on what my writing girls are doing.

    I'm sad class is ending too. I may bitch and moan about writing, but I LOVED this class. so much fun. I feel like I really got to know you, Andrea and Janelle and we all grew so much closer.
    Jennie was a great Professor and I really learned a lot from her. I'm going to miss my Thursday nights
