Wednesday, April 22, 2009


My son Kaleb does not want a haircut. Kaleb will tell anyone who will listen him especially when he is upset about getting his hair washed or braided. He know wants to wear it in an afro but does not want it cut. He argues , "Mom you just don't want me to go to school with an afro".
This is far from the truth because I once wore an afro. I went so far as to lead a protest in support of his hair by wearing my fro to a meeting at his old school. My problem is his fear of the haircut. I want it trimmed and lined up. After we finished at the braider's he said "Karen next time I am going to the barbershop, I am going to let them cut only a little bit. You can braid it again this summer after I see how I like it." I was astounded this is the child who hates CHANGE . I feel I want to go to a a beauty salon opposed to Devyn's barber. My favorite Target associate has hair like Kaleb's I love the curl pattern. He told me his is actually cut in layers to keep his curl and he uses a leave in conditioner. I got his stylist's card. I can't wait. I am wondering if this kid is really ready to go through with this.

1 comment:

  1. rock the fro Kaleb!!! I love that picture of you Keisha. so pretty
